Selebriti Sebelum dan selepas Photoshop

This is an interesting look at celebrities photos before and after photoshop. These can give you a feel of what it takes for a person to look beautiful at all times. No wonder we, ordinary people, are left with a great deal of pressure of looking our best at all times, a high goal that is impossible to reach. even they as a celebrities too.. so what do you think guys about this?? lets share your opinion..

Avril Lavigne

Cameron Diaz
Kim Kardashian

Scarlett Johanson

Jesicca Alba

Demi Moore

Yg ni sape?? aku xkenal..hehe

P/S: I think better we do Photoshop than Plastic surgery izit?  :))


khai styer said…
zaman skrang dh maju..bende yg x cantek,boleh nmpk cantik.
Kak hana said…
cet khai orang pertama komen..ape lagi khai..jum photoshp..hehe
kumfye said…
so big difference...but thats the power of photoshop
ParkAir said…
Yang last tu bukan Eva Mendez ke, nicee...
Ann Azuani said…
rasenya bukan bukan kot..hehe
Munn Jaafar said…
tang jessica alba tu nmpk sgt photoshop...yg lain cantik

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